v. Wolffersdorff

www.wolffersdorff.net / www.wolffersdorff.uk
sächsischer Uradel aus dem Vogtland seit 933 n. Chr.
Saxon Ancient Nobility of Vogtland District since 933 AD

The Family's Registered Association
Allocation of Responsibilities within the Board of Directors

Peter v. Wolffersdorff:

external and internal management
general power to represent the association legally
legal advices and electronic media

Dr. Marlen v. Wolffersdorff:

external and internal management
data archiving and communication
family's archives, register and enrolment, history

Isabel v. Wolffersdorff

fundraising, financial administration
revenue office, banking, liquidy planing
scholarships and fellowships, sponsoring
©  Vereinigung der Familien derer v. Wolf(f)ersdorf(f) e.V.
Altes Rathaus Harthau  •  Annaberger Str. 336  •  D-09125 Chemnitz
www.wolffersdorff.net  •  praesidium(at)wolffersdorff(dot)net
Amtsgericht Dresden (Sachsen) VR 5333