v. Wolffersdorff

www.wolffersdorff.net / www.wolffersdorff.uk
sächsischer Uradel aus dem Vogtland seit 933 n. Chr.
Saxon Ancient Nobility of Vogtland District since 933 AD

former properties
former landed properties of the Wolffersdorff's family

   Wolfersdorf Manor /Vogtland (Saxony)

   Bornsdorf Castle /Luckau (Lusatia)

   Leubnitz Castle /Werdau (Saxony)

   Culmitsch Castle /Berga (Thuringia)

   Promnitz Castle /Riesa (Saxony)

   Manor of Klösterlein Zelle /Aue (Saxony)

   Groedel Castle /Meissen (Saxony)

   Berga Castle /Vogtland (Thuringia)

   Gross-Sedlitz Castle /Heidenau (Saxony)

©  Vereinigung der Familien derer v. Wolf(f)ersdorf(f) e.V.
Altes Rathaus Harthau  •  Annaberger Str. 336  •  D-09125 Chemnitz
www.wolffersdorff.net  •  praesidium(at)wolffersdorff(dot)net
Amtsgericht Dresden (Sachsen) VR 5333